Charter, Curriculum and Annual Reporting

Norfolk School Strategic Plan 2024-25.pdf

Norfolk School Charter and Strategic Goals

Our Norfolk Charter and Strategic Goals are reviewed each year and are closely linked with our School Curriculum. The Charter is our guiding document and it helps us to prioritise our staff professional learning, curriculum spending and even property developments. 

Norfolk School Curriculum

Our Norfolk School Curriculum has been designed with our learners at its heart. This curriculum is linked strongly with the New Zealand Curriculum and is guided by the NZC principles. We have added our local flavour to create a flexible, relevant and meaningful localised curriculum which meets the needs of our unique community. 

This curriculum is constantly under review and is regularly updated. It truly is a working document. 

Norfolk Curriculum - Current 2020

Policies and Procedures

The Norfolk School Policies and Procedures are managed online through School Docs.

To visit our School Docs, click here

Our School username is : norfolk

Our Family Password is: potential

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2022 Annual Report

We are required by law to publish our Annual Financial Report on our website each year once it has been released by our auditors. The 2022 Annual Report can be found here.

2021 Annual Report

We are required by law to publish our Annual Financial Report on our website each year once it has been released by our auditors. The 2021 Annual Report can be found here.